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Folka Henkilöstöpalvelut is part of the OTIGA Group, which is one of the fastest growing personnel service companies in the Nordics.

We employ more than 700 temporary workers all over Finland every day and fulfill 100 recruitment orders every year. We are a trusted partner at different stages of working life for each of our customers and employees.

Whether you are looking for work or employees, we are here to help you.


Employee satisfaction


Employed temporary workers daily


Recruitments filled yearly

Folka - Avoimet työpaikat

Our versatile services

Check out our wide range of services for companies.

Staffing Services

Temporary or project-related need for additional workforce? Staffing service is a flexible way to recruit.

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Staffing Services


Folka is your HR partner at every stage of the recruitment process.

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Recruitment Service


In the outsourcing service, you can transfer an individual business area or support function, for example, storage and logistics, to be produced by Folka.

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Outplacement services

Our customised outplacement coaching service is a comprehensive training package covering the stages of the outplacement process, how to deal with change and how to motivate towards new opportunities.

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Personnels assessments

Do you need more in-depth information about the applicant's strengths and development areas to support the recruitment decision?

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Additional services

From us, you get a wide range of additional services that support HR, from digital services to ability and skill tests.

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Additional services


Working lifestyle

Read tips and ideas for building a unique working life.

Good CV – shape and structure of a resumé

A good CV, or resumé, contains all the relevant information for the job you’ve applied for Creating a resumé may seem cumbersome, but if it’s...

Job interview — how do I land the role

The interview situation usually at least involves the supervisor the employee will work for. If there are people in the organisation who specialise...

Rental work – a flexible option for many different life situations

A career is a long journey and lasts an average of 35–40 years in Finland. Thus it is important to find a job that inspires, interests and can be...